
目前顯示的是 8月, 2013的文章


英文: As long as you're green, you're growing; as soon as your're ripe, you start to rot. -Ray Kroc From small beginning come great things. Never before have we had so little time in which to do so much. Do more of what makes you happy. To bury out talents is to waste them. No matter how much we are given - whether by genetics, parentage, circumstance, or whatever - God is pleased when we use our gifts to their fullest. -Denis Waitley Pessimists see a problem behind every opportunity. Optimists see an opportunity behind every problem. -Denis Waitley 中文: 曾經滄海難為水,除卻巫山不是雲。取次花叢懶回顧,半緣修道半緣君。 簡單的事做久了會變得不簡單;不簡單的事做久了也會變得簡單。-沈芯菱 人生在世,是為了服務他人,尤其是我們親愛的人-只有他們快樂安康時,我們才會感到幸福。其他無數不相識的人也是我們服務的對象,我們與他們的命運藉著一份同情心彼此相繫。-樂在工作 生命的意義只能從當下去尋找。逝者已矣,來者不可追,如果我們不反求當下,就永遠探觸不到生命的脈動。 -一行禪師 當自己陷於低潮,總希望奇蹟降臨在我們身上, 當自己有能力時,是否願意為別人創造奇蹟呢?